Minki Kim, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Fluid and Thermal Sciences, School of Engineering
Engineering Research Center
345 Brook St, Providence, RI 02912
Email: minki_kim at brown dot edu

Research Interest
My research aims to tackle sustainability challenges through fluid dynamics. By leveraging my expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics and High-Performance Computing, I aim to explore diverse research domains, including Arctic Ocean research, cultivated meat production, and cavitation phenomena.
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Fluid and Thermal Sciences, Brown University, 02/2022 – Present
Project 1: Arctic Ocean eddy characterization, leveraging sea ice-ocean simulations, sea ice observations, and data assimilation methods (PI: Professor Monica Wilhelmus).
Project 2: Development of a open-source bioreactor simulation toolkit for cultivated meat production (PI: Professor Daniel Harris & Radu Cimpeanu).
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering & Scientific Computing, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, 09/2016 – 01/2022
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2018)
Thesis: Energy Transport during Growth and Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble
Advisor: Prof. Eric Johnsen
B.S. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, 03/2009 – 08/2016
Exchange student, Purdue University (Spring 2016)
Engineering technical staff as a Sergeant, ROK Air Force (2011 – 2013)
Thesis: Turbulence and Bubble Dynamics in Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow
Advisor: Prof. Hyungmin Park
Korea Science Academy (for the Gifted) of KAIST, 03/2006 – 12/2008
Research high school student, Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST (2007)
Research Grants
Open-Source Computational Modeling of Fluid Motion, Mass Transport, and Cellular Dynamics in Bioreactors for Cellular Agriculture
Daniel M. Harris, Minki Kim (Co-PI) (2024)
Developing an Open-Source Bioreactor Modeling Simulation and AI Optimization Tool for Cultivated Meat Production
Minki Kim (PI), Daniel M. Harris, Radu Cimpeanu (2024)
Numerical Simulations of Shock Waves, Interfacial Instabilities, & Compressible Turbulence
Eric Johnsen, Minki Kim, Michael Wadas (2019)
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) awards for TACC
Inertial Collapse of Individual Bubbles near Solid/Free Boundaries (highlighted)
Eric Johnsen, Shahaboddin Alahyari Beig, Mauro Rodriguez, Minki Kim (2019)
Great Lakes Consortium for Pentascale Computation (GLCPC) awards for Blue Waters
In preparation (manuscript available upon request):
Energy concentration and release during the inertial collapse of a spherical gas cavity in a liquid (Physical Review Fluids, in review)
Minki Kim, Shahaboddin Beig, Eric Johnsen
Characterization of sea ice kinematics over oceanic eddies (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in review)
Minki Kim, Georgy Manucharyan, Monica M. Wilhelmus
Observing floe-scale sea ice motion in the Greenland Sea marginal ice zone during summer (Annals of Glaciology, in review)
Daniel Watkins, Ellen Buckley, Minki Kim, Monica M. Wilhelmus
Characterizing the performance of a rocking bioreactor for efficient mixing and oxygen transfer (will be submitted to the International Journal of Multiphase Flows)
Minki Kim, Radu Cimpeanu, Daniel M. Harris
Energy budgets in the growth and collapse of an acoustically generated bubble (will be submitted to Physical Review Fluids)
Minki Kim, Yuenong Ling, Eric Johnsen
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2018)
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2017)
Minki Kim, Jun Ho Lee, Hyungmin Park
Experiments in Fluids (2016)
Awards, Honors, and Fellowships
Polar Science Early Career Community Office Conference Travel Grant, 2023.
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Cryosphere DEI Travel Award, 2023.
Hanhwa Solutions and Total Energies Travel Fund Award, 2023.
Brown U. School of Engineering Conference Travel Fund Award, 2023.
U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Presenter Fellowship, 2021.
U. Michigan Richard F. & Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement, 2021.
U.S.–Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Best Presentation Award, 2021.
U. Michigan Chapter39 Phi Kappa Phi Project Grant Award, 2020.
U. Michigan Rackham Conference Travel Grant, 2018, 2019, 2021.
SNU Research Award for Undergraduate Independent Study Program, 2016.
KSME (The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers) Gold Prize at The 7th Fluids Engineering Competition, 2015.
SNU Best Presentation Award for Undergraduate Thesis Presentation in ME, 2015.
SNU Research Award (2nd Place) for the Undergraduate Research Program, 2015.
NRF of Korea Silver Prize at The 7th Creative Design Competition for the Neglected 90% People, 2015.
SNU Excellence Award at Summer High-Tech Equipment Program, 2015.
Academics & Activities
U.S.–Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Fellowship, 2021.
Korean-American Scientists & Engineers Association-KUSCO Graduate Scholarship, 2021.
U. Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery & Engineering Fellowship, 2019.
Kwanjeong Educational Foundation Scholarship for graduate studies, 2016 – 2020.
U. Michigan International Center Grant Fund, 2019.
U. Michigan Rackham Graduate Student Community Grant, 2019.
U. Michigan Block Grant Fellowship, 2017.
U. Michigan Department of Mechanical Engineering Fellowship, 2016.
SNU Cum laude for undergraduate studies, 2016.
Purdue U., Dean's List and Semester Honors for undergraduate studies, 2016.
SNU Exchange Program Fellowship, 2016.
SNU Merit-Based Scholarship, 2009 – 2011; 2013 – 2015
Graduate Research Assistant, Scientific Computing & Flow Physics Lab, U. Michigan, 06/2017 – 01/2022
Advisor: Prof. Eric Johnsen
Graduate Research Assistant, Ultrasound Lab, Michigan Medicine, U. Michigan, 02/2019 – 12/2019
Advisor: Prof. J Brian Fowlkes
Graduate Research Assistant, Heat Transfer Physics Lab, U. Michigan, 08/2016 – 06/2017
Advisor: Prof. Massoud Kaviany
Undergraduate Research Student, Complex Fluids & Multiphase Flows Lab, Purdue U., 01 – 05/2016
Advisor: Prof. Arezoo Ardekani
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Multiphase Flow & Flow Visualization Lab, Seoul National U., 06/2014 – 08/2016
Advisor: Prof. Hyungmin Park
Undergraduate Research Team Leader, Dynamic Robotic Systems Lab, Seoul National U., 03 – 12/2015
Advisor: Prof. Jaeheung Park
Research & Education Program Student, Rocket Lab, KAIST, 03/2007 – 02/2008
Advisor: Prof. Sejin Gwon
Teaching & Mentoring
Brown U. Guest Instructor for ENGN 2820 Graduate-level Fluid Mechanics (Spring 2023)
Brown U. Mentor for Undergraduate Research of Benjamin Newcomb (2022–2023) and Simon Hatcher (2022)
U. Michigan, Tutor for MECHENG 320 (Fluid Mechanics I), Evan Sobetski, Michael Cao, and Shungo Okubo, Fall 2019 – Summer 2020.
U. Michigan, Mentor for UROP, Undergraduate Research of Yuenong Ling and Alejandro Cruz, Summer 2020 & Summer 2021.
U. Michigan, Graduate Student Instructor for MECHENG 320 (Fluid Mechanics I), Winter 2018.
Other Experiences
Organizer of a social event for polar early career scientists and educators, 02/2024.
Mentor of Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee mentoring program, 09/2023 – Present.
Mentor of AGU College of Fellows Mentoring Network, 01/2023 – Present.
Instructor for Girls Get Math Program, ICERM, Brown U., 08/2023.
Mentor of APS DFD Peer-Mentoring program, 11/2022, 11/2023.
Vice President and Interim President of Scientific Computing Student Club in U.Michigan, 01/2019 – 12/2021
Student Vice President of Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 39 in U. Michigan, 09/2020 – 05/2021.
Graduate Mentor in ME at U. Michigan, 05 – 09/2017, 09/2019 – 02/2020.
Member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 03/2019 – 12/2021.
Chair of SNU-UM Mechanical Engineering Alumnae, 09/2018 – 08/2019.
Volunteer of Qualifying Exam practice session in ME at U. Michigan, 10/2018.
Mentor of Student Mentoring Program in Seoul National U., 09/2014 – 06/2015.
Oboist of Amateur Philharmonic Orchestra in Seoul National U., 03/2009 – 04/2011.
Chair & Executive of Catholic Student Association in Seoul National U., 03/2009 – 12/2015.